Thursday, 19 September 2013

Long Haul Flying Advice

Yes, this is a post with advice on long haul flight advice. I've been on over twenty long haul voyages so I'd like to think I've learnt something in that time that I can share with less experienced long haulers. Have you only been on a few long flights and at the end you've had terrible jet lag, possibly a migraine and vomiting and you've arrived to meet your long distance boyfriend looking and smelling like... you just got off the long-haul flight from hell?! ...You sit in the waiting lounge in a major international airport like Singapore, Heathrow or Abu Dhabi and you see others, especially the airline hostesses, who look immaculate and you can't understand how it is possible! If this is you, then this is the blog for you.

The main thing to bare in mind is that the flights dehydrate you badly; the strong air conditioners for hours on end dry out your skin and everything excessively and this excessive dehydration is your biggest challenge.

Long Haul Flying tips:

DO NOT DRINK THE ALCOHOL! Now this is one of the hardest rules to follow, but it's also one of the most beneficial. It is so tempting to drink the complementary bevvies (alcoholic drinks), but trust me it's not worth it; you can always slip a bottle in your handbag if it's your last leg of the journey for another day. Alcohol will dehydrate you, which will only lead to oilier skin and increased headaches later in your journey. The same applies for the tea and coffee, you can have a little but don't overdo it.
Even when you think you have drunk enough, believe me you still need to drink more.

You might be angry about losing your water bottle at the beginning of the trip going through security, here is your plan:
Fill up a water bottle and take it with you to the airport. Drink it gradually and aim to finish drinking the whole bottle just before the security gate where they don't accept water bottles. Then you present them an empty bottle and they will (at most airports) allow you to keep your empty bottle.
As soon as you are through security, refill your water bottle. If there's a second security gate that rejects bottles (I've seen it before!) you have to drink it all, all over again. But at least then you can save money on buying expensive fluids in transit and stay more hydrated.
Then on the plane, I choose soda water instead of soft drink, because soda water is water that will hydrate you, whereas soft drink is much less hydrating.

Bring spare underwear and a spare t-shirt on your flight. I usually change half way through the voyage, so by the time you arrive at your destination you are not too smelly.

At your stop-over go to the bathroom and wash-up at least. It's so nice to at least wash your armpits and at an oriental airport that has fresh water in the toilet you can rinse more. People who can afford it can pay for a shower and a bed at major airports, but if you can't then realise this will do just as well and for free.

As per the moisturiser below, if you haven't carried deodorant "borrow" the duty free tester perfume!

Choose your clothing carefully. Cotton is breathable and doesn't make you too hot or cold during the changes in temperature between transit, takeoff and landing. Trousers, a cartigan, a t-shirt, a jumper or big scarf and closed in shoes will tend to be your least smelly option for an outfit, as well as providing warmth and comfort, which are equally important.


Before the flight, moisturise your skin excessively; especially your face. You can carry some moisturiser with you on the flight to top up or use the testers in the stopover duty free shops when desperate!

Some of the airlines now have a "mist moisturiser" in the plane bathroom. This is really nice as it has an anti-bacterial and moisturiser all in one.

Do not touch your face except for moisturising and definitely don't wash your face with soap even if you are dying to because all your pours are opening up and your skin feels awful! Touching your face will just lead to more dirt getting into the pours, etc.

Sleeping is probably the hardest thing on the long-haul, especially if there are good films to watch all night long. I don't have much to say here, I recommend watching the films but also trying to get as much sleep as you can at a time during the flight that matches as closely as possible to night time at your destination (if that makes sense)! So in one direction it may be better to wait to sleep until the second half of your flight, but in the other direction it may be better to sleep as much as possible at the beginning of the flight. You decide. I can explain better if you want me to.
Just know that the more sleep you manage the better you will feel on arrival at your destination. Good luck!

Well, as with the skin, the hair dries out first and then reacts by getting really oily. I recommend tying or pinning your hair off your face and trying not to touch it for the duration of the flight.

Well this tip is just something I've learnt to avoid making a bad meal choice on the plane. I've noticed a correlation between which meal is the best option and where was the last stop-over location or sometimes what nationality airline you are with. For example, if you just left Venice, Italy the chances are that the pasta option will be better than the Asian rice option. But if you just left Bangkok then the rice or noodle option will definitely be better than the pasta option. It seems so simple that it's stupid, but I've found that by following this principle I usually end up with the best meal option on each flight!

Hope this advice may help you arrive a less grumpy, thirsty, smelly, dirty, ugly passenger next time!


  1. Wish I'd seen this before the epic flights home from Europe Miranda! Mike

    1. Even though I'm not a woman of the road it still would have come in handy haha ;)

    2. I'm so sorry Mike! I only wrote it this morning, wish I wrote it earlier for you guys! Hope you still had a great trip and that you weren't too smelly when you got back to Melbourne! :-)


All comments and feedback welcome.