Monday, 5 January 2015

Miranda the "Australienne" - Radio interview - 05/01/2015

The following is a link to hear me speaking on French local radio in Noumea, New Caledonia.

It's an hour long interview about the Northern Territory, advice on moving away from home the first time, the Machu Piccu and Lima, Melbourne, etc.

I recommend they visit the NT and do the Jumping Crocodile Cruise and taste test a Croc Burger after a chartered fishing tour to catch the sought after Barramundi!


Emission title:

Miranda Welch, Australienne (05/01/15)

Miranda Welch née à Darwin en 1985 ; Elle a suivi son mari qui a trouvé un poste en Nouvelle-Calédonie. Elle est diplômée en génie Civil et spécialisée dans la gestion de l’eau. Elle nous dépeint avec passion sa ville natale et notamment une particularité locale qui est la visite d’une rivière aux « Crocodiles sauteurs » ou on peut y découvrir des spécimens de plus de 5 m !

Saturday, 3 January 2015

My New Year's Resolution 2015

Happy New Year! May 2015 be a year full of fun times, love, caring, giving, receiving, good weather, community participation… I hope too it's a year where we think about and act on the things that really matter and we rise above our selfishness to work actively at making the world a better place (building tolerance, compassion, fighting pollution, fighting weed infestation and feral animals, donating time to community groups, supporting local artists…)… not the whole world, but just the little bubble that each one of us lives in and I will say it was enough… and I hope people, especially youth, get off the internet and back out into the real world and start again to really spend time with others, learn to actively listen again and learn to appreciate the simpler things in life again, because happiness is found in rainbows, sunshine, wind, bird song, people's company and nature (and a beer at the pub!) and it'll never be found at home on our computers… go out and find it again in 2015!!!